The Feminine & The Church


Church has always felt complicated. I knew from a very young age what I was on this earth to do, but it took two decades to even see with my own eyes what a woman preaching looked like. At 8-years-old I was told plain and simple that God wouldn’t call a woman to be a pastor or to preach.

The institution was set up by men. The majority of churches planted, power structures created, and culture set and defined without the feminine. Without room for the feminine within its structure.

Women’s voices are not only missing from the pulpit, but the narrative of the faith has been shaped around a masculine version of God, a damaging view of women, and a limited role for women to even participate in. 

While I’ve pushed these external boundaries loudly, @suemonkkidd has shown me where I am still limited by the patriarchy residing within me.

How is it possible after all my work fighting for equity, I still have such controlling limits within? 

I underlined every page of this book and read it within 48 hours. It is already becoming one of the most significant books I’ve read. I recommend to all my spiritual friends out there. While this story is a woman’s journey to the Sacred Feminine, men are also missing out.

Why did it take me so long to find this book?!