How I Show Up

How are you showing up to your life? Better yet, who is showing up?

When we’re young, we learn to live in the world by developing coping mechanisms. We figure out what works for us, and they become our go to tools for managing life. We create an ego- a personality- around these tools. This way of being becomes familiar and comfortable, so much so that we flip on autopilot & our habits & patterns & behaviors take the wheel.

The enneagram has helped me see the way I’ve taken on the ego traits of a 5, not so I can justify my habits & patterns & behaviors. Instead, so I can learn how to wake up to my life and show up as my True Self. True Self is who I am deep within, who I’ve wandered away from. The enneagram gives me a path to come home to myself, to come home to Christ.

My five shows up a lot. Especially where there’s natural light, a good book, & a black cup of coffee. There’s nothing wrong with this, until I’m paralyzed and unable to make decisions because I don’t feel like I have enough information or understanding to move wisely. Remembering to trust myself is a constant struggle.

If you’re ready to wake up to yourself, let’s chat! Sign up for a free 15min mini coaching session on my website.